VUK JOVANOVIC, 醫學博士,美國婦產科醫師學會會員

Vuk Jovanovic醫生於2010年在紐約哥倫比亞大學完成了他的生殖內分泌學與不孕症博士後培訓,於2007年在美國北卡羅來納杜克大學完成了婦產科住院醫師培訓。在美國,這兩個培訓項目都屬於競爭最激烈的醫科培訓項目,只有一小部分醫生成功獲得了培訓機會。在紐約的博士後培訓期間,Jovanovic博士還進修於梅爾曼公共衛生學院。Jovanovic博士於2003年在德國的美因茲約翰內斯·古滕貝格大學完成了醫學院學業。在讀醫學院期間,他在賓夕法尼亞大學(UPENN)用一個學期的時間進行了基因治療為重點的研究。他還獲得獎學金並參加了位於加利福尼亞杜阿爾特市希望之城的暑期研究計劃。他曾到哈佛大學、德克薩斯大學、貝勒醫學院和加利福尼亞大學聖地亞哥分校進行交換學習。在讀醫學院的早期,他還在英國倫敦的帝國醫學院進修。Jovanovic醫生在美國婦產科醫學會和設立於德國的美國婦產科醫師學會的婦產科和生殖內分泌學領域獲得雙重認證。他是位於加州Tarzana的生命樹生育中心和位於洛杉磯主城區的加州生育診所的醫療主任。他是一位多國籍醫生,在多個國家接受培訓和工作,為來自世界各地的患者提供治療。透過在不同國家擔任生育醫師的經驗,他熟知豐富多樣的生育藥物(其中一些在美國尚未上市),Jovanovic醫生成為難以匹敵的專家,在美國和歐洲為數千個體外受精週期提供醫療服務。他精通德語、塞爾維亞語和俄語。他在美國、英國、德國和西班牙都有執業醫師許可。他在德國、俄羅斯、日本、印度、泰國、以色列和中國都有廣泛的聯繫。他選擇在洛杉磯定居,是因為對第三方輔助生育的興趣和對加州的熱愛。洛杉磯多元的文化環境很適合他的個性,並為提供全面的生育服務提供了可能,包括… 捐卵 和代孕。移居洛杉磯後,Jovanovic博士在由Michael Vermesh醫生帶領下的生育和婦科中心工作。 Michael Vermesh醫生是洛杉磯著名生育專家,擁有超過30年的私人生育診所經驗。許多其他成功的生育專家,如Snunit Ben-Ozer醫生、Eliran Mor醫生、Nurit Winkler醫生和Marc Kalan醫生,都是從Vermesh醫生那裡開啟的職業生涯。在南加州的生育領域獲得足夠的醫療經驗後,Jovanovic醫生接替了Ben-Ozer醫生成為生命樹生育中心的醫療主任。 Jovanovic醫生是洛杉磯Kinderwunschzentrum和太平洋代孕及捐卵公司的創辦人。勿庸置疑,Jovanovic醫生名列洛杉磯頂尖生育醫生之列。除了在南加州提供醫療服務外,許多患者從世界各地慕名前來尋求他專業醫療知識的幫助。無論來自何處,您都可以期待得到最高品質的醫療服務。Dr. Jovanovic是美國生殖科醫學協會的成員,也是歐洲人類生殖和胚胎協會的會員,並積極參與兩地會議。我們期待與全球各地的生育診所合作,為客戶帶來順暢連貫的服務。除了專業和超高的成功率,他對每位客戶都懷有極大的同情心和個體關懷。他幫助美國成千上萬伴侶完成了為人父母的家庭夢想,並願意繼續幫助更多來自南加州及世界各地的患者。請聯係我們,填寫以下表格即可進行預約諮詢。
Intraovarian regulation of gonadotropin-dependent folliculogenesis depends on notch receptor signaling pathways, not involving Delta-like ligand 4 (Dll4).Jovanovic VP, Sauer CM, Shawber CJ, Gomez R, Wang X, Sauer MV, Kitajewski J, Zimmermann RC.Reproductive Biology & Endocrinology. 2013 May 15;11:43.Laparoscopic Management of Ovarian Entrapment: A Rare Complication of IVFNakhuda GS, Jovanovic V, Sauer MV.Journal of Gynecologic Surgery. 2012 Apr;28(2):136-137.Does the addition of clomiphene citrate or letrozole to gonadotropin treatment enhance the oocyte yield in poor responders undergoing IVF?Jovanovic VP, Kort DH, Guarnaccia MM, Sauer MV, Lobo RA.Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. 2011 Nov;28(11):1067-72.Not all women diagnosed with PCOS share the same cardiovascular risk profiles.Jovanovic VP, Carmina E, Lobo RAFertility and Sterility. 2010 Aug;94(3):826-32.Providing fertility care to men seropositive for human immunodeficiency virus: reviewing 10 years of experience and 420 consecutive cycles of in vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection.Sauer MV, Wang JG, Douglas NC, Nakhuda GS, Vardhana P, Jovanovic V, Guarnaccia MM.Fertility and Sterility. 2009 Jun;91(6):2455-60.Ectopic pregnancy in a preexisting hydrosalpinx during a spontaneous pregnancy.Garde RV, Jovanovic VP, Couchman GM, Walmer DK, Price TM.Fertility and Sterility. 2006 Oct;86(4):1001.e11-3.Adenovirus-mediated gene transfer of enhanced Herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase mutants improves prodrug-mediated tumor cell killing.Wiewrodt R, Amin K, Kiefer M, Jovanovic VP, Kapoor V, Force S, Chang M, Lanuti M, Black ME, Kaiser LR, Albelda SM.Cancer Gene Therapy. 2003 May;10(5):353-64.An E2F-responsive replication-selective adenovirus targeted to the defective cell cycle in cancer cells: potent antitumoral efficacy but no toxicity to normal cell.Tsukuda K, Wiewrodt R, Molnar-Kimber K, Jovanovic VP, Amin KM.Cancer Research. 2002 Jun 15;62(12):3438-47.學術演講
"The Potential of mild stimulation IVF in Germany"Vuk P JovanovicSAFE International ART Congress, Phuket, Thailand, May 14-16th, 2014"GnRH antagonist vs. long GnRH agonist gonadotropin protocols in PCOS women undergoing controlled ovarian hyperstimulation"Vuk P JovanovicWorld Congress on Ovulation Induction and Ovarian Stimulation Protocols, Goa, India,September 12-15th, 2012"A Notch Ectodomain Construct Inhibits Gonadotropin-Dependent Follicle Growth to the preovulatory stage"Vuk P Jovanovic, M Sauer, Shawber J Kerry, Xing Wang, Mark V Sauer, Jan Kitajewski, Ralf C ZimmermanSociety of Gynecologic Investigation Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, March 24-27, 2010"Posthumous reproduction and gamete retrieval in near death situations – an analysis of the couple’s perspective"Nakhuda GS, Vuk P Jovanovic, Sauer V. Marc,American Society of Reproductive Medicine, Atlanta, GA, October 17-21, 2009"Baseline Levels of DHEA-S Levels do not correlate with Ovarian Responses in Women undergoing IVF treatment"Vuk P Jovanovic, Michel Ferin, Michael M. Guarnaccia, Mark V. Sauer, Rogerio A LoboSociety of Gynecologic Investigation Annual Meeting, Glasgow UK, March 17-21, 2009"Differences in Body Composition in Different Phenotypes of Women with PCOS and in idiopathic Hyperandrogenism, and Correlations with Androgen and Insulin"Vuk P Jovanovic, Enrico Carmina, F de Nicola, Giovam B Rini, Rogerio A LoboSociety of Gynecologic Investigation Annual Meeting, Glasgow UK; March 17-21, 2009"Does the addition of Clomiphene Citrate or Letrozole to gonadotropin treatment enhance the oocyte yield in poor responders undergoing antagonist IVF cycles"Vuk P Jovanovic, Michael M. Guarnaccia, Daniel H. Kort, Mark V. Sauer, Rogerio A. LoboAmerican Society of Reproductive Medicine, San Francisco, CA; November 8-12, 2008"A Novel Recombinant hCG-Antagonist Inhibits Pro-Invasive Gene Expression in the JEG-3 Choriocarcinoma Cell Line"Vuk P Jovanovic Drew V Tortoriello, Prati A Vardhana, Martin A Julius, Susan V Pollak, Joyce W LustbaderSociety of Gynecologic Investigation Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA March"An hCG-Antagonist Represents a Novel Contraceptive Agent"Pratibhasri A Vardhana, Martin A Julius, Susan V Pollak, Rhonda K Trousdale, Vuk P Jovanovic, Joyce W LustbaderSociety of Gynecologic Investigation Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA March 26-29 2008"Improved Prodrug-Mediated Thoracic Tumor Cell Killing with an Adenovirus Carrying Herpes Simplex Thymidine Kinase (HSV-TK) Gene Mutants"Rainer Wiewrodt, Kunjilata Amin, Michael Kiefer, Vuk P Jovanovic, Veena Kapoor, Margaret E.Black, Larry R. Kaiser, Steven M. AlbeldaThe 5th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Gene Therapy, Boston, June 5-9 2002"In vitro Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells into Pancreatic Islet Similar Structure – A Primary Study"Guoxiang Zhang, Vuk P Jovanovic, Theodore G. KrontirisCity of Hope NCI Summer Research Presentations, Duarte, CA, July 2002
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